
  • AD or ← → keys to move.
  • W or SPACE to shoot the laser.
  • SHIFT to speed up (not recommended)
  • ESC for basic menu

Avoid collisions with bots and bombs. 

Hit all the yellow squares in order to advance.

This game was made for a school project.  Something which started as a simple project quickly became a full-on test for me to see how much I've progressed in my game-making journey. Despite my lack of consistent game uploading, I had (unfinished) projects that taught me a lot about games and programming. 

My assets have greatly improved since I stopped making them myself, but this taught me a lot about colors and how they merge into something pretty. Sound design was a new one for me, and despite its hardships, I enjoyed it, especially seeing it all together.  

I'm glad I was able to make this game and stick to it till the end, something which I have to do more often. I have high hopes for whatever my next project might be.

Hope you enjoy it!

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